Depression Really Sucks!

You know deep down there is better experience for you.

Therapy for Depression in Scottsdale, AZ

Depression robs you of the PRESENT.

Janice* couldn’t get out of bed. She didn’t remember when this heavy depression, this aching sadness, had taken over her life.

Nothing was right. She had lost her job, her boyfriend of three years, and had alienated herself from her best friend – and her family.

All alone…

“Why get up? Why eat? Why, why, why?”

Janice didn’t always feel this way. At one time, she was energetic, positive, a go-getter.

But something happened. Something hijacked her mind and body.

Let’s find those tools that can help you.

Janice learned that depression is your body’s way of saying you need rest, deep rest, a break from stress and disappointment, two things that are ever present in daily life.

Therapy can help you give you a break by developing coping skills that lead to a better present experience and resilience that inoculates you against depression and anxiety.

Using the tools and skills I shared with her, Janice learned to help herself – for her own sake. With knowledge and support, she learned to give her exhausted mind a break.

Reclaim the NOW!

You can turn around and head down a new path, free from the burdens of depression.

Experience the wonder and magnificence of the moment, where life happens.

Our work will help you develop better communication, better connection, and better present moment experience.

Do not waste anymore of your life living in depression and anxiety.

Call (602) 730-6056 now to set up a free consultation.

*Name changed for anonymity.