Mental Conditioning

Changing habits requires conditioning.

Do you notice yourself repeating the same old patterns and habits? Why do you do this year after year?

How can you condition your mind to develop new, better habits?

Conditioning your mind to be more focused and mindful of your bad habits allows you to change and achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Learning to change the neural pathways of your brain is how you condition your mind to become what you want it to be.

Change your focus, change your brain.

The neural connection of your brain makes up what we call the mind. These are literally pathways that your brain uses to make sense of the world.

These are your habits, and the conditioning of your brain goes a long way in changing how your mind works.

The nature of your thoughts, behaviors, and feelings can be fundamentally changed by altering your focus and what you pay attention to.

Your brain loves efficiency. If your brain can develop a habit (good or bad), it will use that as a default position.

I will help you find these bad habits and help you work to change them in a way that moves you closer to your goal.

Stress is the main culprit.

Our brain’s response to stress is what leads to these bad habits.

Learning to form new ways of coping with stress and developing new skills to condition your brain to default to positive, life-affirming habits is how you achieve the strength of mind and self-efficacy.

This increased sense of being effective in your own life is highly connected to self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence.

It all starts with mental conditioning.

Neuroplasticity allows you to change your brain.

Our reaction to emotion is also a habit born out of coping with stress and the brain’s proclivity to seek the path of least resistance.

However, it is resistance that helps you grow stronger, more effective, and it comes down to neuroplasticity.

YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR BRAIN, thus changing how your mind works.

Therapy helps with the process of change.

Through therapy, you can identify cognitive distortions, habits, feelings, and behaviors that do not help you be the person you envision.

Becoming aware of these bad habits will allow you to set goals of changing these habits and creating new pathways that condition your mind to be what YOU want it to be.

This helps you gain a mind of peace, strength, confidence, resilience, and empathy.

Let’s work on changing those habits.

Together, we will identify those habits that are keeping you down.

With mental conditioning, a new peace of mind can be formed with more positive habits.

Contact me today (602) 730-6056. I would love to work with you.