Lost – Lonely


You’re not really sure how you got here. You want to find that sense of happiness and fulfilment, but you don’t know exactly where to start.

You’ve reached a point where you feel like you’ve lost the essential part of who you wanted to be.

You know what you want – to be strong and healthy and well – but sometimes, just the thought of change becomes overwhelming.

You’re struggling just to survive.


You want to share what’s happening, but how can you?

Plagued with shame, guilt, and feelings of ineffectiveness, you’re afraid to confide in friends and family. And so you cope – with depression, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy.

You know you shouldn’t, but you can’t help comparing yourself to everybody else – an exercise in futility that only leaves you angry, frustrated, and unsatisfied.

Tormented by all the things you lack.


Never taught how to deal with these feelings, you’re doing the best you can, but this isn’t living. Unfortunately, this situation is all too common in the world today

You know there’s more out there, and you crave it.

But you don’t know how to reach it – how to find yourself again.

You’re not alone. I can help.

I’m Dr. Brandon Chatfield, Licensed Professional Counselor in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area. I’m very excited to help you on your journey of healing and self-discovery to abundant mental health.

Throughout my own experience, as well as the experiences of countless others, I’ve witnessed that an essential part of us is begging, pleading to be heard, to be understood.

I bring you good news.

The first piece of good news is this: You are worthy.

Worthy of fulfillment, sense, wellness, meaning, and purpose.

And you are meant to enjoy your life!

Holding on to shame, guilt, stress, anxiety, and depression is standing in the way of the person you’re meant to be.

Most importantly, I’m here to tell you that you CAN achieve a sense of wellness and wholeness.

You CAN manage your life effectively – you CAN become the captain of your own experiences.  

My approach to therapy

I believe in the healing power of loving and accepting yourself and that humor/laughter are powerful tools of healing.

All change begins with the truth: you are vastly stronger than you think you are, and I can prove it. As human beings, we’re in constant change. Through effort, we can decide the trajectory of that change.

The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself, and everything else stems from this fact. YOU are a giant – longing to become

An integrative pathway toward change

I’m a cognitive behavioral therapist who integrates other approaches like client-centered therapy, mindfulness, positive psychology, and strengths-based counseling.

These are good approaches for quickly changing your thinking patterns and perspective; however, the most gratifying and lasting change happens when you dig in deep and get a profound understanding of what makes you you by exploring childhood experiences and influences from a Lacanian model (we can discuss this more in person).

I provide counseling services in my office at Gainey Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona, or through teletherapy. I serve Scottsdale, Phoenix, Mesa, Fountain Hills, and Cave Creek.

What’s brought me here

For the last 10 years, I’ve worked in the helping professions from addiction and recovery to counseling combat veterans to counseling serious mentally ill and forensic patients at the Arizona State Hospital.

Experience with diverse populations: At Arizona State Hospital, I worked with a diverse population and counseled people with a wide range of diagnoses. Also, many people I have worked with have a dual diagnosis and struggle with not only mental illness, but substance dependence, as well.

Effective interviewing skills: In my role at Mesa Vet Center, I did comprehensive intakes that included the use of DSM IV and V. I also evaluated any possible neurological problems, as well as alcohol and drug abuse. Though only using tests such as the MAST and Beck Depression Inventory, I became very aware of their usefulness and very proficient at testing in general. I also understand the usefulness of The Strong Interest Inventory and Myers Briggs Type Indicator for career counseling.

Understanding of client needs: I’ve always tried to become better at understanding people by active listening and therapeutic attending behavior. At Mesa Vet Center, I frequently performed thorough intakes with focus and trust-building behaviors. Also, I had the opportunity to gain an understanding of military culture through group counseling, which further shows my dedication to understanding the client’s phenomenological worlds.

A passionate thirst for knowledge: My keen interest in the brain, as well as the understanding of people’s individual experiences, has driven my keen interest in the brain. Even as a case manager at a methadone clinic, I dedicated some part of my day to understanding how drug use affects the brain on an organic level. I look forward to contributing my skills and experiences to help you fulfill your goals and overcome struggles in your life. I also look forward to helping anyone who wants to improve mental performance, whether it be an athlete, corporate professional, or first responder.