Couples Therapy

Not the same relationship as before.

Relationships are our most important source of connection and happiness.

They are a harbor in the turbulent sea that we call life and a haven where we feel understood, appreciated, and loved.

However, when a relationship is not well, it can be our biggest source of stress, depression, and, ironically, loneliness.

Perhaps communication is no longer positive, assuming you talk to one another at all.

Life’s many stresses may simply be tearing you further and further apart.

Sometimes, it is a consequence of not knowing.

Most of us are given inadequate information on how to foster and maintain a healthy, loving relationship based on understanding, mutual respect, and support.

Not knowing what to do or where to turn, we get locked in an endless spiral of anger, disappointment, and unhappiness that creates contempt and intimacy issues.

Our relationships are too important to leave to chance.

With guidance, improvement is possible.

The good news is that many relationship issues can be improved.

It has been my experience that people genuinely want to improve their relationships, but they don’t really know how.

When I work with couples, the focus is on understanding what is creating problems and what actions can make these problems better. This helps bring a tremendous feeling of relief.

Let’s work to build your healthy relationship.

If you would like to improve your relationship, be happier, and more satisfied, I would love to work with both of you.

If you’re not sure how to start, please call me today (602) 730-6056.

Knowing and understanding appear with a guidance from an objective source. I would love to be that source.